the 360 survey.It is a competence diagnostics tool that yields excellent results and is easy to carry out

Businesses that care about the professional development of its employees want to know what are the skills/competencies that they have. The results of the 360 survey provide this exact insight and form the basis for building a professional development strategy for its employees.
What is a 360 survey?
A 360 survey (360 Assessment) involves using online survey to gather opinions of various groups of employees related to the competencies of a specific person. The survey consists of a list of statements describing desired behavior at the company. The respondents decide to what extent the specific person's behavior matches these statements. In addition to the selected person who performs the self-assessment, subordinates, co-workers and the supervisor are invited to take the survey. Competences are formed by behaviors relating to similar areas.
The survey is anonymous and its conclusions are presented in the form of aggregate results to the 4 groups of respondents (the survey participant, his supervisor, his employees and his co-workers). If only 3 groups of respondents participate – it's a 270 survey. What are competencies?
Competencies describe the behaviors that a company considers important and desirable in terms of business and organizational culture. Each competency consists of several behaviors related to some area, e.g. Strategic Planning.
The collection of competencies and behaviors forms a company's competency model. From that general competency model, a number of competencies are selected that are the most important for a particular position to form that particular position's competency profile. What is a competency model?
A competency model is a set of competencies that a company has identified as the most important in its business. The name of a competency associated with its definition, i.e. the information on what area it relates to. The description of the competency is accompanied by the list of behaviors that the company sees as desirable in that area.
Expanded competency models further divide competencies into levels with different sets of behaviors. The higher level behaviors are more demanding and complex. How is a competency profile created?
A competency profile is related to a particular job position. Out of the company's general competency model, 4 to 6 key competencies are selected for that particular position.
Competencies and behaviors listed in the competency profile provide suggestions for the employee indicating what they should focus on when planning their professional development What does the 360 report show?
Using graphical representation, the 360 Survey (360 Assessment) report shows the aggregated average results from all responses. Typically, a 360 report shows the results in different cross sections; from the most general level of competence to particular practices and groups of respondents.
Is the 360 survey anonymous?
The key feature of the 360 Survey is its anonymity to ensure protection for the respondents and the trustworthiness of the entire survey. The results are always presented collectively for a group of respondents. The exception is the evaluation of the direct supervisor, which for obvious reasons cannot be anonymous.
How to ensure the anonymity of a 360 survey?
The basic rule pertains to the size of the group of respondents. The group should have a minimum of 4-5 people. If this condition cannot be met, groups are combined - the Subordinates with the Associates. With the exception of the Superior group. Conducting a 360 Survey (360 Assessment) by using an external company also ensures anonymity.
Why it is worth having a feedback session with an outside consultant?
A meeting with a consultant is like a coaching session. The consultant helps the 360 Survey participant interpret the results and analyze their strengths and areas that need further development. The feedback session helps the survey participant set up a plan for their own professional development.
Benefits of the 360 survey:
The 360 survey (360 Assessment) is an excellent and user-friendly diagnostics tool for evaluating competencies. The Survey participants receive reliable information on how they are perceived by others. They can learn how they meet the company's expectations outlined in the list of general competencies. This allows them to properly plan their skill improvement and professional development.
It's also easier for the company to create individual development plans tailored to its employees with the insight into how its employees meet the expectations outlined in the general competencies. The 360 report The conclusion of the survey is a 360 report that gives a comprehensive view of the competencies ranging from general to specific.
The steps that we take:
Preliminary work
The consultation ahead of the 360 survey
We prepare and conduct a webinar (lasting about 30 minutes) for all survey participants with the following itinerary:
Conducting the 360 survey
Individual feedback sessions
Sessions dedicated to discussing results and defining individual development plans can be conducted by BPD consultants or company employees (directors, HR specialists). If you choose the second option, we offer a short training session for in-company consultants.
Summary of the project
Discussion of the reports and a summary of the entire process.